Punjab Govt to Organise Tree Plantation Contest in Lahore
Lahore: To encourage healthy competition and the achievement of the set goals, the Punjab government has decided to hold a tree planting competition among all of the province’s parks and horticulture authorities (PHAs).
On Tuesday, speaking to Punjab Minister for Housing & Urban Development Mian Aslam Iqbal, DG PHA Dr. Umar Jahangir announced that the PHA exhibiting the best performance in the tree planting drive would receive a cash prize.
During the tree planting campaign, saplings should be planted at the boundaries of grounds, green belts, all housing schemes of the Lahore Development Authority (LDA) and private residential societies, and five-foot saplings should be planted on all of the city’s roads, according to Punjab Housing Minister Mian Aslam Iqbal.
He claimed that the campaign’s objectives for tree planting could not be met in the absence of public support. Therefore, it is important to guarantee public participation in order to ensure the success of the plantation campaign.
According to the minister, a comprehensive awareness campaign about plant acquisition, plantation, and maintenance should be run among the populace. North Lahore should receive special consideration during the tree-planting campaign.
Furthermore, according to the minister, the Orange line train route, the canal, and the ring road should all have the most planting done along them.
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