CDA to Complete Work on 3.25km Diplomatic Enclave Road
Islamabad: The 3.25-kilometer-long Diplomatic Enclave Road will be finished within the next two months, according to the Capital Development Authority (CDA).
A CDA official claimed that the authority has expedited construction on the road that would connect the Diplomatic Enclave with its expanded area and offer an alternative to Third Avenue, which is presently the only route available.
The officer further said that the route takes an L-shape after beginning on Murree Road.
Third Avenue will be restricted for security reasons once the road is finished, and all embassies will be requested to relocate to their allocated locations in the diplomatic enclave.
More embassies and missions should be able to fit in the expanded area with the new road, which is open to all traffic.
In response to security worries expressed by an embassy of a friendly nation situated on Third Avenue, the CDA began this project.
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